This weekly short game course is designed for golfers of any ability that want to improve their short game and lower their scores. Each clinic is one hour and limited to 6 students. Each student will gain specific knowledge regarding equipment, club selection, and develop new skills to improve the putting, greenside chipping, 20–50-yard pitch shots and 50–100-yard approach shots. New and experienced golfers are welcome, and both will benefit from fundamental training that will improve on course performance.
When: Classes run every Saturday 1 to 2pm
Cost: $45 per clinic
4-week rotation:
Week 1 - Putting
Week 2 - Chipping
Week 3 – Pitching
Week 4 - Approach
Weekly Schedule:
Aug 3 - Putting
Aug 10 - Green Side Chipping
Aug 17 - Pitching & Loft Shots
Aug 24 - Approach Shots
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